Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi


From the moment the Quran began to be revealed, its first audience made efforts to understand its messages. As a result of these efforts, the verses of the Quran have been subjected to different interpretations and misinterpretations. As a result of these studies, the science of tafsir emerged. The science of psychology is a science based on the mental and behavioral aspects of humans. This science tries to learn the source of the behaviors that emerge from humans by going to their roots. In the last century, some commentators have tried to understand some verses of the Quran by using the data of this science. Some verses of the Quran provide information about the secret communication channels that occur both in man's behavior and in his inner world. The science of psychology also tries to understand and make sense of humans with its own arguments. Psychologists have adopted different psychological approaches when addressing a behavior. While some consider human consciousness and mental structure, others focus on observable behaviors. In this context, it is possible to interpret some Qur'anic verses by using the data of the science of psychology.

In the Quran, the concepts of patience and salat are sometimes mentioned independently and sometimes together with different concepts. Patience plays an important role in helping a person continue his prayers, pass the test successfully, use his will appropriately, and endure and resist in the face of difficulties. The concept of Salat has different meanings such as worship, standing, recitation, prayer and glorification. Worship reflects the aspect of religion that affects life. In this respect, it can be said that prayers are a form of patience transferred to practical life. While patience protects people from fear and despair, it creates peace and serenity in the inner world of people. Patience preserves a person's psychological structure by preserving his spiritual balance. It protects people against negative external stimuli. Salat, on the other hand, creates a deep sense of inner peace, tranquility and confidence in both the body and soul of the person, with the spiritual and physical preparations made before the worships and the verbal and actual actions performed during the worships (prayer, pilgrimage, fasting, alms, supplication). The concepts of patience and salad give people incredible morale, motivation and will power in their journey of worshiping Allah.

In this study, the importance of the concepts of patience and salat in human life will be emphasized in the context of the relationship between tafsir and psychology.


Tafsir, Psychology, Psychological Tafsir, Patience, Salat

Author : Eyüp YİĞİT
Number of pages: 109-120
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/isorej.74678
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Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi
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