Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi


Human is the only creature on earth that has the virtues of thinking and speaking. There are many weaknesses that make people weak and helpless in mind and body. One of these weaknesses is the nafs-i ammâre, which orders evil with violence. The science of hermeneutics has encountered many sciences and benefited from their data in the historical process. Psychology is one of the sciences that has recently been related to the science of hermeneutics .Since different definitions are made for psychology in the western world, we come across different definitions. For instance, Sigmund Freud describes psychology as negativities, William James as the science that studies spiritual life, and John Watson as the study of observable behaviors. It is seen that psychology, which examines the mental processes of human beings, behaviors and the underlying causes of behaviors academically and practically, is also used in the analysis of verses by some Muslim commentators such as Razi, Seyyit Kutup, Ibn Âşûr and Mawdudi. On the other hand, Islamic scholars such as Kindi and Ghazali also included the science of psychology in their works. The Qur'an deals directly or indirectly with the personality of a person, his positive and negative behaviours, feelings and relationships between people, as well as the science of psychology touches on the topics we mention. Although psychology has been systematized recently, it is seen that the relationship between hermeneutics and psychology goes back to the past. This relationship clearly shows itself in the example of nafs-i ammâre that we have mentioned. The meaning of realizing the desires that Freud attributed to the concept of "id", Eflatun's division of the soul as wrathful, sensual and intellectual, and Ghazali's definition of the soul as the unifying power of anger and lust in man, Razi, Ibn Ashur and Bayraktar's 53rd verse of Yusuf Surah “I cannot clear my soul. Undoubtedly, the flesh always orders evil.” The relationship between hermeneutics and psychology is clearly seen when we look at the comments they made in their hermeneutics. It is seen that these hermeneutics commentators deal with the negative aspects of the flesh expressed by western psychologists in their hermeneutics from a psychological point of view.


Human Frailty, Hermeneutics, Psychology, Psychological Interpretation, Nafs-i Ammâre

Author : Cengiz İDER
Number of pages: 99-108
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/isorej.75057
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Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi
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