Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi


Mirza Ali Akbar Sabir is one of the most important representatives of satirical poetry in the history of Azerbaijani literature.

Sabir observed the weaknesses and deficiencies in the society and exposed and criticized them with his poems in a humorous way.

Sabir devoted a large part of his works to women's education and marriage. He opposed taking girls out of school at the age of nine and marrying them off. He wants young girls to continue their education. He is in favor of women receiving education together with men. The poet believes that educated women will be beneficial for the family and society. Sabir especially emphasized the maternal qualities of women in his poems. He classifies women into two categories as knowledgeable and unscientific (ignorant). He sarcastically criticizes ignorant families who do not fulfill their duties towards their children. Because the child who grows up in an irresponsible family will of course be a harmful member of society. Sabir believes that an educated mother will never raise an ill-mannered child. He believes that women are teachers who raise the generation of the future.

Sabir opposes the marriage of women without their consent and without their knowledge. He considers it a tragedy especially when child girls are married off to old people. He believes that such marriages will destroy the family structure. He opposes the use of women as commodities in temporary marriages. This is because he knows that this structure will lead the society to incurable consequences.


Mirza Ali Akbar Sabir, Satire, Humor, Women, Education, Marriage

Author : Hayati YILMAZ
Number of pages: 35-48
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/isorej.75903
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Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Ulusal Eğitim Dergisi
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